Subjects We All Should Be Talking About
Shayla Rivera the Speaker
“ABC – Awareness Begins Change”
Speaker Shayla Rivera believes, indeed knows, that anyone can accomplish anything they would like to. “In fact, they already are” she says. Her knowledge springs from the evidence she has found through her own life experiences. There is only one wonderful requirement for living unlimited possibilities and that is, know what you believe. “The one thing I have learned is that it is the external sources in our lives, namely our upbringing and conditioning, that continues to determine and influence our lives and our achievements,” she says. The biggest impediment to positive change is our lack of clarity about what we truly believe. What we have to do is realize that we are on auto pilot about what we continually choose to do and believe. Indeed, our beliefs are not ours at all, they are simply a result of our conditioning. They stay around because we have decided to agree to keep them. Once we become aware that we are in control we can begin to change our direction. Then make choices that aim at the desired results for our lives.” Shayla uses her own life story to help her audiences laugh their way to inspiration. By Speaker Shayla Rivera
Empowerment STEM / STEAM
“I was a typical young girl, conflicted with insecurities and shyness. Yet in possession of a challenge driven determination that has not quit to this day,” she says. Shayla understands the importance of the voices that either encourage or discourage and has always chosen to be a source of belief and inspiration. “Truth is, if I could do anything, anyone else also can.”
Helping young women believe in themselves and their potential in STEM & STEAM fields is a driving force in Shayla’s purpose. She travels around the globe encouraging girls to see the truth of their potential. And speaks to women to help them remember the incredible strength of their nature. “I have never met a woman who was not fierce in some way, even though they could not see it. All I want to do is remind them of just how amazing we truly are.” By Speaker Shayla Rivera
Personal Improvement
Nothing is as powerful nor important as the individual. Becoming clear about the obstacles in our way is paramount to Personal Improvement. When we explore our conditioning we begin to see how our seeming limitations are simply what we were conditioned to believe and now agree with. The work at hand is to begin to be honest in identifying the obstacles in our way, and seeing how they are kept in place by our own selves. Once we are able to stop denying this self-blocking, then we can begin to remove, go around, or jump over them to clear our paths and open up to new and exciting opportunities. This is the only way to a more fulfilling life. By Speaker Shayla Rivera
The Value of Humor in our lives cannot be overstated. A person who cannot find fault within and then laugh at themselves is a very poor soul indeed. It is amazing to me how we have made it somehow a fault when a person tends to be gregarious and laugh a lot. We deem those people as not capable to be ‘successful’ somehow. I say take what you do seriously, but don’t take yourself so seriously. Finding where we all trip in life, then being able to laugh about it is the very genesis of all good things. I can Laugh at myself…and yes, I can also laugh at you. By Speaker Shayla Rivera
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Diversity is a ‘hot button’ topic in America right now. However, this subject is mostly being approached from the perspective of fear about our differences instead of from the opportunities brought forth by the same. Fearing what we don’t understand only promotes limitations in our growth. What we must remember is that the very strength of our nation is reflected on the writing of our National Seal, “E Pluribus Unum” – Out of Many, One. By Speaker Shayla Rivera
Like everything else, leadership begins with the individual. A leader is not defined by a title or a position of leadership but by their ability to inspire others to work towards a common goal. Traits of leadership such as having a vision, setting goals, charisma, communication skills, character, intelligence, and many more, can be found within every person. I focus on helping individuals recognize and strengthen these traits within themselves. Then give them the tools that will help them do the same for others. By Speaker Shayla Rivera
“I Offer my presentations in both English and Spanish”
“Ofrezco mis presentaciones en Inglés y Español”
Shayla Rivera Speaker – See more about Shayla on the Press Kit page. Watch fun videos of Shayla on her youtube page.